Cebreros lives its carnival 2009

  Cebreros finalizes the details to live its carnival 2009.

  The Cebreros carnival that begins tomorrow and will last for two weeks until next March 1, will distribute this year 2009 12,550 euros in prizes, destined to the best floats and troupes that participate in both provincial and local contests.

  The program of events in the quintessential carnival municipality of the province of Ávila will begin tomorrow, Friday, February 20, at 1:30 p.m. with a parade starring the students of the ‘Moreno Espinosa’ Public School and will continue the next day with the proclamation -20.00 hours- , which this year will be run by Marta Landín, presenter of the ‘Madrid Directo’ program. From that moment on, the party and the color that characterizes these carnivals that take place in a town of 3,500 inhabitants, close to the Community of Madrid, will begin, which these days can increase its population five times at times.

  On Carnival Sunday the local parades of floats and comparsas -adults and children- take place, which distribute about 10,000 euros among the participants. A week later the streets of Cebreros once again host the Provincial Carnival Parade and Contest, which this year includes for the first time a section for children’s groups, with the distribution of about 6,000 euros in prizes for the best floats and groups that will come from municipalities such as El Barraco, Arévalo, Santa María del Tiétar, Sotillo de la Adrada, La Adrada, Casillas, Arenas de San Pedro, Navaluenga, Navarredondilla, Fontiveros or Ávila capital, and also the Madrid residents of Villaviciosa de Odón and Hoyo de Manzanares. In total, about twenty floats and 35 comparsas will participate.

  Masks, fantasy costumes, zombies, decks of cards, a wedding, old radios, beachgoers, pirates, clowns, huge Mexican hats moving on wheels on the ground … There can be everything at the Cebreros Carnival. This year there will also be other unique characters such as Navalosa’s cucurrumachos, covered with the & nbsp; ‘pinguera ‘ blanket, wooden masks, horsehair and the characteristic cowbells.

  Along with the parades and brass bands, the Cebrereños also keep alive the custom of the dance of the corro, in which the men dance the traditional jota of the area inside the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, while the women do it outside , to wear their Manila shawls for more than two hours.

  The following Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. the burial of the sardine with sardine included for the attendees takes place and on Thursday the Cabildo will host in the afternoon an exhibition with carnival drawings made by the students of the ‘Moreno Espinosa’ Public School, organized by the Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students (AMPA), with the collaboration of the center and the City Council.

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