Gastronomic and wine tourism in Cebreros

 According to an expert in the Master in Interior Tourism, & nbsp; “With the grapes of Cebreros you can do fabulous things”. & nbsp; So much so, that the & nbsp; gastronomic and wine tourism in Cebreros is one of & nbsp; its greatest tourist attractions.

  Benigno Garrido Marcos, oenologist and expert in gastronomic and wine tourism, has highlighted Cebreros as & nbsp; “one of the oldest historical wine-growing regions of Castilla y León” , which has varieties of grapes with a great potential, such as Grenache ink and white albilla, with which & nbsp; “it is more than proven that you can make really fabulous things”.

  This is what he has expressed to the students of the Master in Interior Tourism at the University of Salamanca, which is taught at the Confae Business School, where he has said that & nbsp; “there are wineries that are making good and interesting protected products for the quality figure of Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León “.

  After underlining that the wineries have opened their doors to the reception of visitors, he has detailed how the Junta de Castilla y León offers oenological tourism and the wine routes, in addition to offering them informative tasting. & Nbsp; “It is within the reach of Anyone, all that is needed is to sharpen the senses: sight to distinguish color tones, smell to appreciate the aroma, and taste to perceive those sensations that have previously been apprehended with the other senses “.

 Garrido Marcos considers that the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León & nbsp; “is one of the most interesting regions in terms of wine tourism”, & nbsp; among other reasons, because & nbsp; “its breadth Geographical diversity translates into a diversity of landscapes and therefore also in a wine diversity with nine appellations of origin, two areas of quality wines and some of the so-called historical regions protected by a generic quality mention, that of Vinos de la Tierra de Castilla y León “.

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