La Muralla received 21,458 more visits than the previous year

  The Wall received 21,458 more visits than the previous year, as reflected in the City’s Tourist Information Bulletin, prepared by the research group & nbsp; Tourism, Heritage and Development & nbsp; of the Complutense University.

  In his balance of tourist activity in 2007, he affirms that 2007 was “ positive for Ávila’s tourism “, since there was a growth in the levels of overnight stays in accommodation. In this sense, this study highlights the fact that the opening of five new hotels, with between four and two stars, has added 186 new beds, which places the current offer at 2,596.

  August and September were the months in which the highest number of travelers and overnight stays were recorded, with 27,220 and 26,453 respectively.

  In the case of the main monument in Avila, the Wall of Ávila, the months with the highest influx were August, with 31,887 people, and April, with 28,311 visitors. Thus, August was once again the month of the year in which the main monument of the city registered a greater number of tourists, due to the theatrical visits and the peak of the season.

  The Wall is the main monument of the city, an indisputable fact that, since it was opened to public visits, is supported by visitor statistics, which year after year evolve upwards. This has been confirmed again by the figures for the year 2007, during which 285,234 people went up the walkway of the Wall to visit and get to know the monument from the inside, which represents an increase of 21,458 visitors compared to the previous year. that is, 7.52%, according to the figures provided by the City Council. This growth is almost three points higher than that registered in 2006 when comparing the statistics of visits received that year with those of the previous year, when the increase was 4.54%.

  Two years earlier, in 2005, the visits that the Wall received were 251,811, a figure that, if compared to that registered in 2007, shows a positive balance of 33,423 visitors.

  Year after year, the summer months are those in which the fortress of Avila receives more influx of public, especially August, the holiday month par excellence among Spaniards, in which a record of visits to the Wall was broken both last year, with 47,125 people, as in 2006, when 45,443 tourists visited the walkway.

  Despite the fact that the summer of 2007 was atypical in terms of climate, with temperatures lower than usual, especially in August, this circumstance did not represent an obstacle for tourists who arrived in Ávila deciding to go up to the wall. Thus, the 47,125 visitors registered that month represent 16.52% of the total received throughout 2007.

  But the increase in the number of tourists registered by the Avila monument par excellence in the summer months is not only influenced by vacations, but also by dramatized visits to the Wall that take place between June and September in two daily sessions, which attract a large number not only of tourists, but also of Avila willing to enter the monument in the hands of historical figures.

  Looking ahead to the year that has just started, the Ávila City Council is already finalizing the news of the tourist program, which will be presented next week during the International Tourism Fair, in which the 2007 tourism balance will also be made.

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